Past Projects
2008 Bassaleg Shops Roundabout alteration
Upgrade Afon Mead fencing Bassaleg allotment site fencing
2009/10 Rhiwderin CC heating upgrade
2010 Goal posts on Bassaleg Open Space
Graig Hall new boiler for heating system
2011 Graig Hall patio and car park refurb
2012 Purchase and planting of trees in various locations
Graig Hall new windows & doors
Graig Hall resealing of floor in large hall
Wentworth Lane installation of bollards & kissing gate
2013 Rhiwderin CC works to guttering and buttresses
Creation of Diamond Jubilee path
Laurel Road bollards
Bassaleg Open Space fencing & gates
Upgrade of path through Open Space
2014 Graig Hall creation of conference room, new kitchen &
side room
Graig Hall boiler upgrade
2014/15 Rhiwderin CC new toilet block and car park refurb
2015 Graig Hall photovoltaic panels to roof
Rhiwderin CC new fire alarm system
Rhiwderin CC new water mains supply
2016 Graig Hall toilets upgrade
Purchase of picnic benches & seating
Creation of Graig Community Council calendar
New play areas introduced
Adoption of footpath at Highfield Lane
Sited benches at Lower Machen and at St Basil's shops in
memory of Cllr Mountain
2017 Replacement of fencing at Rhiwderin Play Area
Purchase of outdoor cabinets & installation of defibrillators
Graig Hall creation of disabled access to patio area
Planters refurbishment and relocation
Repair of boundary wall at Rhiwderin CC
2018 Replacement of small litter bins with large in play areas
Graig Hall balustrades at entrance to the building
Rhiwderin CC major roof repairs
Graig Hall replacement gutters soffits & facias
2019 Assisted Pentrepoeth Primary School with funding a polytunnel
Graig Hall foyer refurb
Rhiwderin CC replacement chairs
Adoption of footpaths Woodland Drive to Fort View play area & Penylan Close to Caerphilly Road.
Graig Hall replacement soffits, facias & rainwater goods to
pump house
Graig Hall internal lighting upgrade and internal redecoration
Rhiwderin Community Centre - replacement soffits, facias,
rainwater goods; external building painting programme;
making good external stonework, replacement/refurbishment of internal and external doors following break-in
Bassaleg Shops roundabout landscaping of island and
construction of stone planting feature
Future Projects
Possible creation of a memorial garden
Installation of additional trim trail apparatus
Extension of artificial grass area at Bassaleg Green rebound wall