Ward Surgeries
Gwent Police run a monthly Police Surgery for the Graig Ward. These are held at The Tea Rooms, Bassaleg (unless otherwise specified). Residents are encouraged to attend the surgeries and raise matters and provide feedback.
The forthcoming surgery dates are as follows:
Tuesday 27th August, 11am – 12pm
Thursday 26th September, 11am – 12pm
Wednesday 16th October, 11am – 12pm
Sunday 24th November, 4pm - 5pm**
**to be held at Graig Community Centre
Police Contact Information
Contact information for the Gwent Police who support Graig Ward are as follows:
Hannah Welti (Inspector): hannah.welti@gwent.police.uk
Jason Ghalamkary (Sergeant): jason.ghalamkary@gwent.police.uk
Anthony Moore (Constable): anthony.moore@gwent.police.uk
Lewis James (Constable): lewis.james@gwent.police.uk
Mandy Dean (PCSO): mandy.dean@gwent.police.uk
Aidan Gillette (PCSO): aidan.gillette@gwent.police.uk
Rogerstone Police Station: 01633 895019