St Basil's Church


A priory was founded on the current site of St Basil's Church in 1105 by Robert de la Haye (abandoned in 1235). The present fabric is principally 14 to 15th century and includes a nave and chancel with a large western tower and southern aisle. A free-standing 14 to 15th century chapel on the south side was demolished in1850. The medieval arcade, since replaced, was of heavy square pillars and low arches.

The south porch, nave arcade and windows were restored in 1878-9 by Habershon Fawckner & Co of Newport, while the south transept, the organ chamber, the chancel roof and possibly the nave and aisle roofs were restored in 1902-3 by C. Busteed Fowler of Cardiff.

The north eastern chapel is of uncertain date, but was possibly built around 1800 as a burial place of the Morgans of Tredegar, similar to the chapel at Lower Machen. It was remodelled in 1916 for the 1st Viscount Tredegar, who died in 1934. It contains some particularly fine monuments from 1806 onward.

There are hatchments and related heraldry in the church associated with the Morgan family.

The possible explanation for the origin of the word 'Bassaleg' is that it is a corruption of the Latin word 'basilica', a word usually used for a religious building erected on the site of a shrine of a saint or martyr.

Current Day

St Basil’s is an active Anglican church in the Tredegar Park Ministry Area and Diocese of Monmouth in the Church in Wales. One of five churches in the Ministry, that also include St John’s, Oakfield Road, St John’s, Rogerstone, St Martin’s, Gaer and St Thomas’, Maesglas.

The church holds regular services:

Sunday: Holy Eucharist, 8.30am (1st Sunday of each month)

Sunday: Holy Eucharist, 1.000am

Monday: Holy Eucharist, 7.00pm

Most services include a Eucharist, where the congregation share together in bread and wine as a celebration of the Lord's Supper. In some services, in particular a Sung Eucharist, the service will include hymns and some other elements of the service will be sung instead of spoken.

Whether a local member of our community or visiting the area, St Basil’s welcomes people to their services.

Church Hall

St Basil’s has an active church hall that is used both by the church and is available for hire.

ChurchSt Basil's Church, Bassaleg

Contact St Basil's Church

Rector:                  Rev Chris Stone,  T: 01633 378354,

Team Vicar:          Rev Kate O’ Sullivan, T: 01633 556321 E:

Pioneer Vicar:       Rev Bronwen Summers T: 07701013049

Assistant Curate:   Rev Julia DurhamT: 07761894175 E:

Associate Priest:    Rev David Waters

Hall Hire:               Kay T: 07740 797672
